Daniela Kaufmann

Since June 2024 I am an FWF ESPRIT research fellow in the Automated Program Reasoning — APRe group. APRe is part of the FORSYTE research unit, lead by Laura Kovacs, of the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien.

In my project CalgSAT – Combining Computer Algebra with SAT for Word-Level Reasoning I aim to alter the reasoning landscape in bit-precise
formal verification by devising SAT-based algebraic methods for word-level reasoning
over polynomials.

Previously, I worked as a senior researcher in software science at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg and as a postdoctoral researcher at the LIT AI Lab at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz Austria.

I finished my PhD in Computer Science at JKU in April 2020. My PhD thesis is on formal verification of multiplier circuits using computer algebra and was supervised byArmin Biere and Manuel Kauers. My thesis received the GI-Dissertation Award 2020 and the Heinz Zemanek Award 2022.

In my research I focus on applied formal methods, more precisely hardware verification using computer algebra. In other words, I develop algebraic reasoning techniques based on the theory of Gröbner bases that allow proving the correctness of gate-level multiplier circuits. My first publication on verifying multiplier circuits won the best-paper award at FMCAD’17. Furthermore, I work on algebraic proof systems. The goal is to automatically generate certificates, which can be checked by independent proof checkers in order to validate the result of the verification tool.


2023Best Paper Award at MEDI'22 for Fuzzing-Based Grammar Inference
2022Generation Future Frauen Förderpreis für Digitalisierung und Innovation, 2. Platz recognizing young female researchers in technical sciences in the area of digitization and innovation.
2022Heinz Zemanek Award 2022 recognizing an outstanding Computer Science dissertation from Austria. Awarded every second year.
2021GI-Dissertation Award 2020 recognizing the best Computer Science dissertation of the year from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
2020JKU Young Researchers' Award 2020 recognizing and honoring outstanding academic and scientific accomplishments at JKU.
2017Best Paper Award at FMCAD'17 for Column-Wise Verification of Mulitpliers Using Computer Algebra

Academic Service

2024SC2 Workshop 2024 Co-Chair
SAT 2024 Workshop Chair
iFM 2024 Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair
ATVA 2024 Program Committee
CP 2024 Program Committee
FMCAD 2024 Program Committee
IJCAR 2024 Program Committee
MBMV 2024 Program Committee
PAAR 2024 Program Committee
SAT 2024 Program Committee
SEFM 2024 Program Committee
SMT 2024 Program Committee
VMCAI 2024 Program Committee
2023CICM 2023 Program Committee
FMCAD 2023 Program Committee
IWIL 2023 Program Committee
MBMV 2023 Program Committee
SAT 2023 Program Committee
SBMF 2023 Program Committee
SEFM 2023 Program Committee
SMT 2023 Program Committee
FMCAD 2023 Student Forum Program Committee
CAV 2023 Artifact Evaluation Committee
Subreviewer: TACAS'23, LICS'23
2022SC-Square Workshop 2022 Program Committee
FMCAD 2022 Student Forum Program Committee
CAV 2022 Artifact Evaluation Committee
TACAS 2022 Artifact Evaluation Committee
IEEE TCAD Reviewer
Subreviewer: ICFEM'22, ISSAC'22, FMCAD'22
2021CAV 2021 Artifact Evaluation Committee
TACAS 2021 Artifact Evaluation Committee
IEEE TCAD Reviewer
Subreviewer: CADE-28'21, DATE'21, ETS'21, ISSAC'21
2020ETS 2020 Reviewer
Subreviewer: FMCAD'20, SAT'20
2019IEEE TCAD Reviewer
Subreviewer: DATE'19
2018IEEE TCAD Reviewer
Subreviewer: CAV'18, DATE'18, FMCAD'18, IJCAR'18, TACAS'18


2020Doctor of Technical Sciences (Dr. techn.) in Computer Science,
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
2016Master of Science (Dipl.-Ing.) in Computer Mathematics,
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
2014Bachelor of Science in Technical Mathematics,
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

In the media

OCG JournalManuell müsste man mehr Zustände überprüfen, als es Atome im Universum gibt (12/2021, German)

Articles concerning awards are linked on the corresponding pages (links in the Award section above)