GI-Dissertation Award 2020
I received the GI-Dissertation Award 2020 for my dissertation. The annual award presented by the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) together with the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) recognizes an outstanding dissertation in the area of computer science. All universities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland are entitled to propose a candidate. The GI Dissertation Award is accompanied with € 5,000 in prize money.
fLTR: GI-President Prof. Dr. Hannes Federrath, Dr. Daniela Kaufmann
Credit: Oliver Mackeldanz
The award ceremony took place on September 29, 2021 at the INFORMATIK2021 and was streamed on YouTube (link including timestamp):

Credit: Oliver Mackeldanz
In the Media
GI News | GI-Dissertationspreis: Verbesserte Verifikationsmethoden für digitale Schaltungen (28.09.21, German) |
heise online | Gesellschaft für Informatik will mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der IT (02.10.21, German) |
OCG Blog | GI-Dissertationspreis geht nach Österreich (04.10.21, German) |
JKU News | GI-Dissertationspreis geht an Daniela Kaufmann (11.10.21, German) |
JKU News | Daniela Kaufmann Presented with the GI Dissertation Award (11.10.21, English) |